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Tips for Dads:
Maximizing Nutrient Absorption

Changes in parenting styles have expanded the available choices for men in fulfilling their roles as fathers. Here are some parenting tips tailored for dads who strive to be engaged, supportive, and loving fathers.

1. Spend quality moments with your child
How a father spends his time communicates his values and priorities to his child. Children grow fast, and the opportunity for bonding is fleeting so make the most of it.

2. Discipline with love and embrace positive parenting techniques
For constructive guidance and boundaries, and to establish reasonable limits, dads should remind children of the consequences of their actions and acknowledge desirable behavior. Fathers who enforce discipline in a calm and fair manner show love for their children.

3. Serve as a role model for your child
Fathers are role models to their kids shaping their beliefs and behaviors. They teach boys and girls what is important in life by demonstrating honesty, humility, and responsibility. A daughter who shares moments with a caring father gains the understanding that she deserves to be treated with respect by boys and she learns what to look for in a partner.

4. Earn the right to have your voice heard
Initiate discussions with your children about significant subjects from an early age to facilitate handling challenging topics as they mature. Dedicate time to actively listen to your child's thoughts and concerns.

5. Take the part in educating your child
To be a good father, instill in your children about right and wrong and encourage them to do their best. See that your children make sound decisions. Engaged fathers use everyday examples to help children learn the basic lessons of life.

6. Share meals as a family
Eating together is a vital component of nurturing healthy family dynamics. It offers children the chance to talk about what they are doing and want to do. It is also a good time for fathers to listen and be involved. It provides a structure for families to be together each day.

7. Do a reading session with your child
In today’s digital age, dominated by television and internet, it is crucial for fathers to make the effort to read to their children to foster lifelong literacy. Start reading with them from an early age, and as they grow, encourage independent reading. Cultivating a love for books is one of the most effective methods to guarantee that children develop into avid readers, setting the stage for a lifetime of personal and professional growth.

8. Show respect to the other parent of your child
When parents exhibit mutual respect and treat each other with dignity, they create a stable and secure environment for their children. Witnessing parental respect fosters a sense of acceptance and respect in the father-child relationship, enhancing the child's overall sense of well-being and security.

9. Show early involvement
Show interest early by understanding a father's role during infancy – gently touch, play, hold and talk to your infant child. Active father involvement sends a powerful message: "I am committed to being your father. You matter to me, and our relationship holds great significance."

Ref: Accessed May 2024.

The article written above is for informational and educational purposes only. For serious medical and health concerns, please consult a licensed health provider.