Photo by Puwadon Sang-ngern from Pexels

DASH to a Tip-Top Heart

The month of love is a busy time spent with family and friends. But amidst the swamp of activities, you must never forget to practice self-love. Taking care of your mental and physical health, especially your heart, is as important as expressing your affection to those around you.

It is about time to embrace healthier lifestyle habits and focus on your cardiovascular health. High blood pressure or hypertension is a common risk factor of heart disease. Here are some nutrition tips towards improving heart health.

1. Consider DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) as your nutrition plan.
The DASH was developed to reduce blood pressure and encourage consumption of heart-healthy foods. This encourages consumption of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, fat-free dairy, fish, and poultry. Having these foods in your diet can also increase your potassium, calcium, magnesium, and fiber intake. When possible, choose foods that are low in saturated fat, sodium, and sugar.

2. Make the shift.
Change can happen gradually; it does not need to be an all-or-nothing process. Start with one or two of these easier dietary adjustments:

3. Reduce sodium.

4. Eat potassium-rich foods.
Add potassium to your diet to offset some of the harmful effects of excess sodium. Some of potassium-rich whole foods include bananas, oranges, cherries, avocados, leafy green vegetables, sweet potatoes, beans, nuts, and salmon.

Ref: Accessed January 2024

The article written above is for informational and educational purposes only. For serious medical and health concerns, please consult a licensed health provider.